Good Touch- Bad Touch

All of us want our children to be safe and secure and want to give them the best. We want to protect them against all odds. Our children come in contact with many people every day and there are good and bad people around them.
So, it becomes our responsibility to sensitize them, equip them so that they are ready to face and handle any odd situation or person coming their way. At Nidhi Foundation, we showcase them short clipping about it and also counsel children to share their experiences with us.
Sensitising children about various issues and about good touch bad touch, makes them emotionally strong and helps them to grow normally.
It helps them handle “not so positive events” in life in a better way so that hey do not impact their growth and personality.
Through this workshop, our children learned some basic safety rules for their protection. They also learned to identify the ‘No Touch’ areas, understand who the safe adults are and how to clearly communicate with parents about any bad experience
Our team also asked few children to volunteer and demonstrate a few examples of good touch and bad touch such as hugging, pushing, slapping, and patting on the shoulder for better clarity on the concept. The session was interactive and informative
Come; let’s join hands to make this world a better and safer place for our young generation. Although many children this age tend to tell stories, it is vital that as a parent, you support them, and believe them. They need to know they can trust you, and that you will protect them.
World First Aid Day Celebration

Millions of people are hurt or killed by injuries every year due to inadequate response or lack of timely assistance. Taking immediate action and applying the appropriate techniques, while waiting for professional help, can considerably reduce deaths and injuries, and the impact of disasters and everyday emergencies. First aid is not a replacement for emergency services.
It is a vital initial step for providing effective and swift action that helps to reduce serious injuries and improve the chances of survival.
First aid awareness is lacking in many vulnerable communities, where a very basic idea of how to treat an injury or keep someone alive, would have real impact. We believe that first aid reduces vulnerabilities and helps build stronger communities. With the knowledge of first aid methods, one can save life of person in need and can save him/her from death. In this workshop, we are trying to impart training on First Aid to the school going children at Nidhi Foundation’s Kalyanpuri Center.
Nidhi Foundation is working preliminary with children for improving nutritional status through dietary support. We worked on various interventions to fight poverty and other social issues at different level. Nidhi Foundation’s experience with the communities contributed to a stronger and in depth understanding of poverty and its root causes, leading the children to seek solutions for dignified life. We enable them to deal with various life situations through teaching them various things like good habits, moral values, cleanliness and many other things.
First Aid awareness, as basics of life is needed to be taught to the children. Children are fast learners and messenger for positive changes in the families and community. Being an influencer, they try each and every practice at home and force parents to adopt the behavioral practice in day to day routine. We celebrate World First Aid Day on 9th September, 2017. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) introduced the day in Year 2000 with an objective to raise public awareness of how first aid can save lives in everyday and crisis situations. We taught them about how when where to deal in emergency situations like animal biting, nose bleeding, burn, ankle twisting, bee biting, high fever, eye injury etc.
First aid skills can contribute to children’s’ understanding of human biology, including breathing and respiration, the skeleton and muscular system, the heart and circulatory system. We used interactive methodology as per the understanding level of the participants. Showcasing video clips, filling questionnaires and taking feedback interviews are the medium of throwing information about first aid in the class. We succeed in workshop by maintaining interest in the children during the event. Enthusiasm showed by the children is appreciable.
Menstrual Hygiene

Objective: To study the Knowledge, attitude and practices of menstrual hygiene in school students.
Inclusion criteria: School girls who have attained puberty and are potential carriers and transmitters of efficient knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene. School girls who are about to face the challenges posed during menses and have not yet started menstruating, with the aim of better preparing them for future. (pre pubertal girls)
Exclusion criteria: School children up to 10 yrs. of age & boys of all age groups. However, in due course of time they will need to be briefed about menstruation in-order to ensure a comfortable environment and equal right to enjoy life for women and girls in future.
‘Women should keep themselves hygienically well to meet challenges of womanhood.’
The theme behind the workshop organized for promoting Menstrual Hygiene and sanitation among women living in urban slums.The objective of conducting the workshop is to uplift the daily lifestyle of women living in urban slums and inclusion of women living in slums to understand the importance of menstrual hygiene and sanitation in everyday life.
As the difference is always maintained with the hygiene practices of educated and uneducated women this workshop has helped women living in slums getting knowledge about health and sanitation. Usually, most women seek information from their peers who also don’t have much knowledge about the same. Lack of proper sanitary facilities is a major hindrance girls from going to schools and work.
Majorly educated women use sanitary napkins, whereas uneducated women living in slums use cloth. Further, most of them have no idea about sanitary napkins and ways to dispose them. Further taboo associated with this and silence on this issue creates a major need to address this important issue.
To motivate girls towards ensuring better menstrual hygiene and enhancing the status women, chairperson of NIDHI FOUNDATION Mrs. Nidhi Sharma has distributed free sanitary napkins in this workshop.
Sexual Abuse Awareness Workshop

Child sexual abuse can have enduring consequences for those it affects. The adverse consequences of child sexual abuse can include acute feelings of betrayal, powerlessness, stigmatisation, guilt and traumatic sexualisation, as well as difficulties forming and maintaining relationships, mental health-related problems resulting from trauma and physical health problems.
Given the public’s growing concern about keeping children safe from all forms of child sexual abuse, this report is a call for increased action to prevent child sexual abuse before it occurs. Our aim is to provide recommendations and evidence about how to prevent child sexual abuse before it occurs. We do the same through community mobilisation and conducting preventive workshops for young girls in the communities.

Inadequacies in the area of water, sanitation and hygiene (known collectively as WASH), are responsible for a huge number of health problems throughout the developing world.
Today, a significant proportion of the world’s population are without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation facilities. Improvements in WASH, therefore, have the potential to reduce the rates of some of the leading worldwide causes of suffering.
There is no doubt that the provision of satisfactory WASH to the developing world would significantly improve living standards and health, as it has done historically in today’s developed countries. Towards the same various initiatives have been taken by Nidhi Foundation to raise awareness regarding the importance of clean drinking water, handwash and maintaining hygiene in its area of intervention.