“There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.”

Women are to be considered as equal in the process of development of the society and the nation at large. But, because of centuries of exploitations and subjugations, Indian women have remained at the receiving end. Women in India have been neglected a lot, they have not been actively involved in the main streams of development even though they represent an equal proportion of the population and its strength. Primarily women are the means of survival of their families, but are generally unrecognized and undervalued.

Young girls in India do not get an opportunity of attending school. There are various factors accountable for this situation. Some could not get the necessary financial support, whereas others got married at an early age. Despite these tribulations every woman aspires to be self-reliant. They wish to be respected by others at a personal and social level, irrespective of their background.

Educated or not, every woman seeks financial independence. Definitely, education is the key to success, but what if a woman is not educated? Apparently, not all women get the scope of education. Fortunately though, one does not have to be educated to enhance their skills. And skill development can help a woman to fulfil her dreams and expand her scopes of betterment.

Skill development programs can open up several opportunities for the struggling women.

Skill training enables a woman to enjoy financial freedom and also contribute to support the family expenses. This in turn permits them to delay getting married if they wish, which would ultimately decrease the chances of them being married off at an early age.

Even after marriage, these young women feel financially stable and don’t depend on their husbands and guardians to support their financial needs. This enhances their self-confidence and their opinions get appreciated and valued by others. Moreover, financial stability allows these women to support their partners and stand with them shoulder to shoulder.

Skill development also gives exposure to women, and with this exposure, they acquire awareness and a broader vision. They realize what scope they have and explore new ways of expanding their trade. They aspire to lead a better life not only for themselves, but for their children as well. And this gives birth to a better beginning for the future generations.

Nidhi Foundation, under its skill development program, has been working for the advancement of women from weaker section of the society by providing them vocational training. The women, who take on this training, make decorated pots, bookmarks, and purses that are used to raise funds for the development of this program. This program also brings out and enhances the inherent potentiality of these women and empowers them to become individual entrepreneurs.

Nidhi Foundation aims at bringing about a holistic development in the society at large by helping women and children grow and develop their potential talents. After all, life is all about what we do and not just what we live!

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